The landlady's husband came up to town today

Since he left them both ten years ago to serve the ministry

The dark down road of his approach in constant rain was drenched

The tenant's boy said "How d'ya do" then swore in French

Did you teach this little child these curses on my soul

You should both be shut down in the coal-hole

That's the way to treat a child who cries out in the night

And a woman who teaches wrong from right

He's a Battered Old Bird

And he's living up there

There's a place where time stands still

If you keep taking those little pink pills

"Hush your mouth you hypocrite"

His humour cut her deep

The tight lipped leer of judgement

That had seen her love desert her just like sleep

"Filthy words on children's lips are better, my dear spouse

Then if I were to speak my mind about this house"

He's a Battered Old Bird

And he's living up there

years - Yıl
wrong - Yanlış
words - kelimeler
where - nerede
trouble - sorun
treat - tedavi etmek
throw - atmak
these - bunlar
there - Orada
those - bu
their - onların
teach - öğretmek
taking - alma
swore - yemin
things - eşyalar
teaches - öğretir
sweet - tatlı
still - yine
swallowed - yutulması
stands - standları
spouse - eş
speak - konuşmak
sleep - uyku
serve - servis
redeems - geri ödemesi
playing - oynama
place - yer
pills - haplar
pieces - parçalar
night - gece
cries - çığlıkları
rattling - tıkırtı
bonfire - şenlik ateşi
child - çocuk
french - fransızca
lipped - dudaklı
chopped - kıyılmış
tight - sıkı
house - ev
mouth - ağız
hypocrite - iki yüzlü
already - zaten
always - Her zaman
bottle - şişe
think - düşünmek
constant - sabit
afraid - korkmuş
breakfast - Kahvaltı
other - diğer
maids - hizmetçi
about - hakkında
going - gidiş
wishing - isteyen
scattered - dağınık
cares - bakımları
woman - kadın
attic - çatı katı
burgundy - bordo
approach - yaklaşım
should - meli
battered - hırpalanmış
right - Sağ
cupboard - dolap
since - dan beri
begins - başlar
today - bugün
second - ikinci
curses - lanetler
better - Daha iyi
husband - koca
danced - dans
traffic - trafik
drenched - sırılsıklam
deals - fırsatlar
desert - çöl
stairs - merdivenler
outside - dışında
dream - rüya
everything - her şey
filthy - pis
christmas - noel
first - ilk
floor - Zemin
sleeping - uyuyor
humour - mizah
judgement - yargı
through - vasitasiyla
beyond - ötesinde
dreams - rüyalar
little - küçük
living - yaşam
walls - Duvarlar
macintosh - yağmurluk
sherry - ispanyol şarabı
ministry - bakanlık

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