Do what I have to
Remember Emily?
That's a long time 2x
In a long dress one summers day she said yes
Now every special requests requires another
So many times it feels endless, a big yes
Branded red on each breast
But she selfless out there
Doing her best strangest scene
Nobody seemed to be impressed.
The more she do for this fool
The more she behind schedule
Had no fun for so long
Old records turned her onto High School flings
And she was full of daring
Colorful hair used to wear thirteen rings
Now she staring gludgery
Full in the face and accepts it as her place
And just incase there's anything she missed,
She recheck the list
Does it over again,
To make sure it's spotless.
world - Dünya
woman - kadın
wearing - giyme
volatile - uçucu
vibrating - titreşen
throwing - atma
turned - dönük
house - ev
leave - ayrılmak
feisty - alıngan
shoes - ayakkabı
again - Tekrar
grips - kulplar
viscous - viskoz
another - bir diğeri
place - yer
drunk - sarhoş
dress - elbise
beautifully - güzel
impolite - kaba
burned - yanmış
destiny - kader
forgiven - affedildi
beautiful - güzel
anything - her şey
still - yine
giving - vererek
every - proszę uważać
records - kayıtlar
behind - arkasında
feels - hissediyor
daring - cesur
cradles - beşikleri
slightly - hafifçe
cement - çimento
begin - başla
promised - söz
asked - diye sordu
honesty - dürüstlük
summers - yazlar
flings - fling'iniz
convinced - ikna olmuş
would - olur
jimmy - levye
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
believe - inanmak
herself - kendini
flavour - lezzet
return - dönüş
savor - lezzet
booze - alem
times - zamanlar
changes - değişiklikler
selfless - özverili
emily - emily
staring - bakmak
doing - iş
bright - parlak
nobody - kimse
after - sonra
stopped - durduruldu
colorful - renkli
remember - hatırlamak
oakley - oakley
branded - markalı
could - could
impressed - etkilendim
bottomless - dipsiz
incase - bu durumda
juice - meyve suyu
their - onların
leaving - ayrılma
believing - inanan
schedule - program
being - olmak
longed - özlemi
longer - uzun
missed - cevapsız
myself - kendim
consumed - tüketilen
moods - gıcıklık
never - asla
nicely - güzelce
whole - bütün
escaping - kaçan
breast - meme
sleeps - uyur
unconcerned - ilgisiz
other - diğer
preparing - hazırlamak
recheck - tekrar kontrol
product - Ürün
relationship - ilişki
spotless - lekesiz
requests - istekler
requires - gerektirir
rings - halkalar
accepts - kabul
scene - faliyet alani, sahne
school - okul
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