Imagine you and me we float among the wreckage
We’ll toast our lungs and choke on ocean air
We drowned our love to save it from the fires
And we don’t care
But I’m inclined to waste my time on the smiles I find trashed along the way
I left some dreams I had to rot in Boston because I saw myself shine brightly in your eyes
And if all my dreams came true I’d probably wreck it…
But i don’t care
Because I’m inclined to waste my time for miles and miles, find my bliss along the way
I feel for the lovers, who pretend they’re fine
Curled up on a bed of silence
They lost their minds
Wish i could be apathetic but I’ve met love along the way
wreckage - enkaz
waste - atık
voice - Ses
their - onların
still - yine
solace - teselli
songs - şarkılar
smiles - gülümsüyor
wished - diledi
probably - muhtemelen
pictures - resimler
peace - barış
ocean - okyanus
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
never - asla
curled - kıvırcık
bored - canı sıkkın
drowned - boğuldu
cross - çapraz
count - saymak
boston - boston
trying - çalışıyor
apathetic - ilgisiz
wreck - enkaz
bliss - mutluluk
artist - sanatçı
fires - Yangınlar
brightly - parlak
among - arasında
hairs - kıllar
breaks - sonları
choke - boğma
miles - mil
float - şamandıra
better - Daha iyi
along - uzun bir
alive - canlı
could - could
fault - hata
inclined - eğimli
accept - kabul etmek
doubt - şüphe
toast - kızarmış ekmek
believe - inanmak
wears - giyer
caught - yakalandı
cursed - lanetli
through - vasitasiyla
dreams - rüyalar
garage - garaj
heart - kalp
silence - sessizlik
genius - deha
blame - suçlama
gotta - lazım
pretend - taklit
because - Çünkü
myself - kendim
heard - duymuş
imagine - hayal etmek
bullshit - saçmalık
except - dışında
indifferent - kayıtsız
visit - ziyaret etmek
inventing - icat
shine - parlaklık
living - yaşam
trashed - trashed
painting - boyama
lovers - aşıklar
lungs - akciğer
minds - zihinler
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