Let’s go out just one more time, to that old place on the shore
Down the lanes of this harbor town, like so many times before
There’s so much you’ve done for me, so much, I’ve asked of you
But when I’m gone there’s one more thing, please promise me you’ll do
Everyday sing a song
To help me sail along
Too ra loo ra loo ra loo ra le
And I’ll be on my way
If you miss me when I’m gone, just walk down by the sea
Sing with a whisper of the waves, and there remember me
What a lucky man you made of me, always at my side
Where I am, I’ll wait for you as faithful as the tide
Everyday sing a song
To help me sail along
winters - kışlar
where - nerede
waves - dalgalar
watch - izlemek
turning - döndürme
there - Orada
swaying - sallanan
trees - ağaçlar
starlight - yıldız ışığı
those - bu
forming - şekillendirme
blowing - üfleme
faithful - sadık
everyday - her gün
compromising - ödün
please - lütfen
times - zamanlar
earth - toprak
glasses - gözlük
dancing - dans
flows - akar
lanes - şerit
dance - dans
crying - ağlayan
along - uzun bir
frosty - soğuk
hills - tepeler
before - önce
burning - yanan
lucky - şanslı
shore - kıyı
spinning - döndürme
always - Her zaman
thing - şey
harbor - liman
grieve - üzülmek
water - su
night - gece
whisper - fısıltı
birds - kuşlar
flowers - çiçekler
clouds - bulutlar
flying - uçan
keeps - tutar
laughing - gülme
lights - ışıklar
leaves - yapraklar
place - yer
raised - kalkık
asked - diye sordu
snowing - kar yağışı
northern - kuzey
raining - yağmur
remember - hatırlamak
rocks - kayaçlar
rising - yükselen
blooming - çiçeklenme
promise - söz vermek
rolling - yuvarlanan
should - meli
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