Well last Saturday it was me and the lads went on the tear

Dressed up to the nines looking suave and debonair

Down to the city center for a mighty night o' fun

There were colleens to be charmed, There was scoopin' to be done

Well, somehow in the night I got looped out of me gourd

Feeling weak n' woozy, sick as a plane to Lourdes

Me legs were getting wobbly, me head began to swim

Everything went blurry and the room began to spin,

And the room began to spin.

Well the floor crept up behind me and gave me a mighty smack

I was staring at the ceiling like a turtle on me back.

"I meant to do that!" I exclaimed trying to keep me cool

But I was speaking foreign languages and drooling like a fool

So I crawled off on all fours like a mangy rabid dog

To find the porcelain phone and have a talk with God.

Now understand t'was not the boozin' that made me feel unwell

It was obvious to all I'd had some tainted alcohol

I'd had some tainted alcohol.


T'was not the one at "O'Brien's" I'll tell you for sure

young - genç
woozy - sersem
wobbly - titrek
wizard - sihirbaz
warning - uyarı
victim - kurban
undies - iç çamaşırları
understand - anlama
turtle - kaplumbağa
trouser - pantolon
tonic - tonik
toilet - tuvalet
vampire - vampir
thing - şey
there - Orada
tenth - onuncu
story - öykü
debonair - nazik
floor - Zemin
unwell - hasta
feeling - duygu
excellent - Mükemmel
tainted - الملوث
looped - ilmekli
night - gece
eaten - yenilmiş
dreadful - korkunç
foreign - yabancı
lourdes - lourdes
dripping - damlama
chupacabra - chupacabra
fellows - arkadaşlar
gourd - sukabağı
latest - son
plight - vâât
crawled - sürünerek
doner - döner
crept - süzüldü
curry - köri
behind - arkasında
pickled - salamura
dressed - giyinmiş
chaser - kovalayan
plane - uçak
began - başladı
demonic - şeytani
witch - cadı
bagpiper - gaydacı
awoke - uyandı
drank - içti
speaking - konuşuyorum
stomach - mide
alcohol - alkol
eraser - silgi
brawl - kavga
everything - her şey
coming - gelecek
exclaimed - haykırdı
clothed - giyinik
plough - pulluk
county - kontluk
chorus - koro
alone - yalnız
clare - clare
another - bir diğeri
fours - dörtlü
asleep - uykuda
clear - açık
margarita - margarita
center - merkez
charmed - charmed
pocket - cep
worse - daha da kötüsü
spell - büyü
condemned - mahkum
fully - tamamen
friends - arkadaşlar
saturday - cumartesi
getting - alma
lager - Alman birası
light - ışık
inside - içeride
curse - lanet
kebab - kebap
nearly - neredeyse
trying - çalışıyor
ceiling - tavan
languages - duujjil
learn - öğrenmek
potion - iksir
smack - şaplak
halfway - yarım
lesson - ders
looking - seyir
corner - Köşe
mangy - uyuz
recall - hatırlama
blurry - bulanık
meant - demek
meself - kendim de

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