Is that enough?

I think it's over

See, everything has changed

And all this hatred may just make me strong enough

To walk away

They may chase me to the ends of the earth

But I've got you babe

And they may strip me of the things that I've worked for

But I've had my say

So hear me now

I've enough of these chains

I know they're of my making

No one else to blame for where I stand today

I've no memory of truth

would - olur
truth - hakikat
tough - sert
through - vasitasiyla
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
these - bunlar
there - Orada
taking - alma
strong - Güçlü
strip - şerit
stand - durmak
worked - işlenmiş
sorry - afedersiniz
making - yapma
cruel - acımasız
clear - açık
hatred - kin
suddenly - aniden
cheap - ucuz
enough - yeterli
changed - değişmiş
instead - yerine
where - nerede
blame - suçlama
earth - toprak
guess - tahmin
cruelty - acımasızlık
chains - zincirler
change - değişiklik
today - bugün
money - para
shame - utanç
chase - kovalamak
gilded - yaldızlı
remain - kalmak
audience - seyirci
memory - Bellek
people - insanlar
everything - her şey
older - daha eski

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