Tell me what you see,
In the after-life
Par-delà le ciel
Par-delà le soleil
In all there is to learn
The sun is on our side
And though you're on the run
You will survive…
Expanded to the state of light
The deepest corners of the world
Gliding through the lowlands
And swimming all the oceans
Walking through the silence
while - süre
whenever - her ne zaman
underneath - altında
trapped - hapsolmuş
through - vasitasiyla
there - Orada
state - belirtmek, bildirmek
survive - hayatta kalmak
silence - sessizlik
world - Dünya
scream - çığlık
rises - yükselir
power - Güç
though - gerçi
plagues - veba
expanded - genişletilmiş
everywhere - her yerde
oceans - okyanuslar
drift - sürüklenme
deepest - en derin
walking - yürüme
again - Tekrar
swimming - yüzme
already - zaten
corners - köşeleri
night - gece
giant - Dev
every - proszę uważać
gliding - süzülme
misery - sefalet
voices - sesleri
after - sonra
higher - daha yüksek
invisible - görünmez
soleil - soleil
everything - her şey
learn - öğrenmek
ground - Zemin
light - ışık
lowlands - ovalar
monster - canavar
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