Don’t play me, I’m a fire

Captive in a game of liars

Oh can’t you see my face (oh no)

Such a disgrace (how so)

I see knives held right at my face

Pain, I had it then I found my place

Play by my rules, don’t complain

I’ll bite and walk away

Heard that you said that I should leave this town

I think I’ll sit and watch as you’re going down

I’ll twist the knife and leave you with a vicious ache

I won’t blink, I won’t shake, no

Because baby I’m a snake

Don’t blame me, I’m a poison

smile - gülümseme
should - meli
shame - utanç
rules - kurallar
price - fiyat
watch - izlemek
think - düşünmek
poison - zehir
listened - dinlenen
dreams - rüyalar
haunt - uğrak
heard - duymuş
liars - yalancılar
collect - toplamak
captive - esir
picture - resim
leave - ayrılmak
because - Çünkü
twist - dönemeç
complain - şikayet
karma - karma
disgrace - rezalet
blink - goz kirpmak
shake - sallamak
forever - sonsuza dek
blame - suçlama
brain - Beyin
place - yer
crawling - emekleme
forget - unutmak
snake - yılan
found - bulunan
knife - bıçak
frame - çerçeve
vicious - ahlaksız
prison - hapis
gonna - olacak
going - gidiş
knives - bıçaklar
right - Sağ
knows - bilir

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