Life is not easy for Sister Marie

She finds that her thought is in error

Her captive face haunting the mirror

Discomforts her

She listens intently to Father McGhee

As he tells her that faith is a blessing

And she worries that he might be guessing

His irony

It would be nice just to live like a lady

And to have someone to marry

It would be nice to have someone to care for

Someone to care when I'm buried

Carefully presenting the semblance of peace

writes - yazıyor
would - olur
worries - Endişeye
various - Çeşitli
until - a kadar
through - vasitasiyla
sister - kız kardeş
semblance - görünüş
school - okul
tells - anlatır
progressing - ilerleyen
presenting - takdim
might - belki
faith - inanç
captive - esir
enquire - sormak
jealousy - kıskançlık
changes - değişiklikler
haunting - unutulmaz
error - hata
blessing - nimet
confessing - itiraf
someone - Birisi
buried - gömülü
thought - düşünce
startles - hayrete düşürecek
father - baba
duties - görevleri
carefully - dikkatlice
marie - marie
mirror - ayna
finds - buluntular
irony - alay
fulfills - yerine getirmektir
guessing - tahmin
herself - kendini
intently - dikkatle
peace - barış
listens - dinler
marry - evlenmek

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