Listen to the wailing of the willows,
Listen to me crying on my pillow
Crying cause I know my love is gone from me
Living in a world of different places,
Looking at a million different faces
Yet I see a face in every face I see
Love must lack a sense of humor,
would - olur
willows - söğüt
sense - duyu
rumor - söylenti
someday - birgün
replace - değiştirmek
ready - hazır
place - yer
token - jeton
pillow - yastık
every - proszę uważać
faces - yüzleri
listen - dinlemek
places - yerler
million - milyon
still - yine
again - Tekrar
cause - sebeb olmak
crying - ağlayan
wailing - ağlayan
breaking - kırma
living - yaşam
broken - kırık
always - Her zaman
different - farklı
finally - en sonunda
goodbye - güle güle
willow - Söğüt
humor - mizah
complain - şikayet
looking - seyir
heart - kalp
memory - Bellek
people - insanlar
world - Dünya
laughs - gülüyor
other - diğer
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