Open the seas to my plight
Winds in the gales of desire
Scourge of the port towns in sigh
Cannons lay waste
And there's salt in our veins, giving death is our trade to the end
Skeletal flag, and the fires that blaze seen for miles
Sword to the throat of the innocent
Black is our storm and you'll never escape our attack
The crown and the royals conspire
women - kadınlar
winds - rüzgarlar
veins - damarlar
waste - atık
drake - erkek ördek
cowards - korkaklar
crowns - kron
skeletal - iskelet
blaze - yangın
crossed - çarpı
death - ölüm
bring - getirmek
crimes - suçları
fires - Yangınlar
black - siyah
gales - gales
desire - arzu etmek
nailed - çivilenmiş
cities - şehirler
bastard - piç
leagues - ligler
giving - vererek
sword - kılıç
attack - saldırı
prisoners - mahkumlar
corpse - Ceset
murder - cinayet
cannons - toplar
kneel - diz çökmek
letter - mektup
conspire - anlaşmak
innocent - masum
towns - kasabalar
throat - boğaz
miles - mil
crown - taç
sacked - görevden
plight - vâât
escape - kaçış
brave - cesur
quarter - çeyrek
quest - araştırma
trade - ticaret
royals - royals
scourge - kırbaç
sending - gönderme
slayed - slayed
never - asla
stars - yıldızlar
storm - fırtına
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