If you find a time when things just seem to fall apart

And there's no way to keep a cheery face

When the sight of your own reflection only breaks your heart

And all your dreams have given up the chase

Pick up the telephone

You know I'm always home

Any old time of night or day

Let me be the first to know

Let me be the first to know

Let me be the first to know

If you find a time when you just have to walk away

Because of a call to pastures new

You're in need of some fresh words to wish you on your way

welcome - hoşgeldiniz
things - eşyalar
telephone - telefon
reflection - yansıma
potential - Potansiyel
weight - ağırlık
pastures - otlaklar
morality - ahlâk
chains - zincirler
bursting - Patlama
fresh - taze
water - su
given - verilmiş
temporary - geçici
chase - kovalamak
breaks - sonları
breaking - kırma
apart - ayrı
cheerful - neşeli
first - ilk
night - gece
always - Her zaman
because - Çünkü
hesitate - tereddüt
sharing - paylaşım
compassion - merhamet
break - kırılma
words - kelimeler
cheery - neşeli
touch - dokunma
endless - sonsuz
everything - her şey
minds - zihinler
sight - görme
dreams - rüyalar
heart - kalp

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