Bring me down to earth

Take this weight from tired shoulders

Kiss me tenderly

Let me drown in waves of your love

You part the trees so I

Can cherish things that matter

Your single voice sounds through

A room of din and chatter

Oh take me home

When the streetlights shine above

world - Dünya
turns - dönüşler
tonight - Bu gece
tired - yorgun
through - vasitasiyla
tenderly - şefkatle
temporary - geçici
strength - kuvvet
drown - boğmak
bring - getirmek
things - eşyalar
flying - uçan
chatter - gevezelik
earth - toprak
darkest - en karanlık
waves - dalgalar
matter - madde
single - Tek
cloud - bulut
laugh - gülmek
streetlights - sokak ışıkları
voice - Ses
lonely - yalnız
maybes - Belkiler
sounds - sesleri
shine - parlaklık
frantically - çılgınca
nights - gece
trees - ağaçlar
above - yukarıdaki
passing - geçen
cherish - beslemek
shoulders - omuzlar
weight - ağırlık
simple - Basit

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