I've been patiently waiting, tyin my stomach in knots

I've been lost in the moment, goin to war with my thoughts

And if you're feelin the pressure, the pressure's all that I got

So if you think that you're ready, I'm here to tell you you're not

The time is right now, yea you're in over your head

I'm callin lights out, until it's over and dead

And I'll be damned if I ever let you get me again

Yea I will stop at nothing

Cuz I was made to rise above it

Cuz one of these days, one of these days, everyone will know

But for now I stand alone

I count my enemies like trophies

I wear my scars so they can show me, now

I've got nothin left to prove

So when I look at you, all I see are trophies, trophies

I'm not afraid

To put it all on the line like it runs in my veins

I will stop at nothin, cuz I was made to rise above it

writin - yazılı
while - süre
verses - ayetler
workin - sokuşturmak
waiting - bekleme
veins - damarlar
until - a kadar
trophies - kupa
laughin - Laughin
weekend - hafta sonu
these - bunlar
inside - içeride
figures - rakamlar
records - kayıtlar
heard - duymuş
feelin - hissediyorum
enemies - düşmanları
lifestyle - yaşam tarzı
above - yukarıdaki
callin - çağırıyorsun
handouts - bildiriler
drinkin - drinkin
alone - yalnız
afraid - korkmuş
everyone - Herkes
cannot - yapamam
earned - Kazanılan
shows - gösterileri
damned - lanetli
pressure - basınç
scars - yara izleri
dream - rüya
again - Tekrar
locked - kilitli
sleep - uyku
knots - knot
losin - kaybediyor
moment - an
nobody - kimse
nothin - hiçbir şey
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
think - düşünmek
numbers - sayılar
prove - kanıtlamak
thoughts - düşünceler
remember - hatırlamak
count - saymak
patiently - sabırla
pissed - sarhoş
ready - hazır
lights - ışıklar
right - Sağ
stand - durmak
stayed - kaldı
stomach - mide
surgeon - cerrah

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