Mama, thank you for who I am

Thank you for all the things I'm not

Forgive me for the words unsaid

For the times I forgot

Mama remember all my life

You showed me love, you sacrificed

Think of those young and early days

How I've changed along the way [along the way]

And I know you believed

And I know you had dreams

And I'm sorry it took all this time to see

wrong - Yanlış
words - kelimeler
where - nerede
unsaid - söylenmemiş
truth - hakikat
young - genç
times - zamanlar
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
storms - fırtınalar
sorry - afedersiniz
those - bu
early - Erken
caused - neden oldu
cried - ağladım
makes - markaları
because - Çünkü
dreams - rüyalar
smile - gülümseme
changed - değişmiş
happy - mutlu
along - uzun bir
cause - sebeb olmak
every - proszę uważać
forgive - affetmek
choice - seçim
forgot - unuttum
believed - inanılır
making - yapma
showed - gösterdi
peace - barış
right - Sağ
remember - hatırlamak
thank - teşekkür
sacrificed - kurban

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