He threw down a glove you made the mistake

Of picking it up now you're gone

The choosing of guns or fighting with swords

The choice of weapons is done

He'll tear you apart as soon as you start

You know you don't have a chance.


OH...OH...Fight for the honour

Fight for the splendour

Fight for the pleasure

OH...OH...Fight for the honour

Fight for the splendour

threw - attı
swordsmen - silahşör
sweat - ter
start - başlama
silence - sessizlik
resumes - özgeçmiş
reaper - orakçı
pleasure - zevk
picking - toplama
ready - hazır
mistake - hata
other - diğer
death - ölüm
angel - melek
apart - ayrı
splendour - görkem
honour - onur
meanwhile - o esnada
choosing - seçme
thrust - itme
choice - seçim
chorus - koro
seeing - görme
chance - şans
glove - eldiven
breath - nefes
begins - başlar
fighting - kavga
heart - kalp
swords - kılıçlar
feeling - duygu
looks - görünüyor
weapons - silahlar
parry - savuşturma
fight - kavga
chest - göğüs
fought - kavga etti
feint - çalım
hears - duyar
looms - tezgahlarında
stain - leke
lunge - hamle

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