Left the city, my mama, she said don't come back home
These kids round killing each other, they lost their
Minds, they gone
They quitting school, making babies, and can barely
Some gone on to their fall
Lord have mercy on them
1,2,3,4, your cousin's here round here selling dope
While they daddy, your uncle, is walkin' round, strung out
Babies with babies, and their tears keep burning
While their dreams go down the drain now
(While their dreams go down the drain now)
Are we really living, or just walking dead now
(Are we walking dead now?)
Or dreaming of a hope riding the wings of angels?
The way we live, the way we die
What a tragedy, I'm so terrified
Daydreamers please wake up
We can't sleep no more
Love, don't make no sense
Ask your neighbor
The winds have changed, it seems
That they've abandoned us
The truth hurts, and so does yesterday
What good is love, if it burns bright and explodes in flames
(I thought every living thing had love, but are)
Are we really living, or just walking dead now
(Are we walking dead now?)
wings - kanatlar
winds - rüzgarlar
yesterday - Dün
walking - yürüme
uncle - amca dayı
tragedy - trajedi
thought - düşünce
these - bunlar
thats - şu
teacher - öğretmen
taking - alma
sunday - Pazar
truth - hakikat
strung - sinirli
tears - gözyaşı
spinners - iplikçiler
smoky - dumanlı
sleep - uyku
terrified - korkmuş
shooting - çekim
sense - duyu
selling - satış
seems - görünüyor
school - okul
round - yuvarlak
while - süre
those - bu
their - onların
dreaming - rüya görmek
danger - Tehlike
confusing - kafa karıştırıcı
every - proszę uważać
thank - teşekkür
mercy - merhamet
money - para
clothes - çamaşırlar
bangers - çeteci
lives - hayatları
abandoned - terkedilmiş
girls - kızlar
barely - zar zor
drain - akıtmak
minds - zihinler
touch - dokunma
spending - harcama
changed - değişmiş
babies - bebekler
videos - videolar
daydreamers - daydreamers
loans - Krediler
bright - parlak
flames - Alevler
burning - yanan
burns - yanıklar
explodes - patlar
quitting - bırakma
bling - Bling
other - diğer
angels - melekler
funerals - cenaze
broke - kırdı
riding - binme
enough - yeterli
hurts - canı yanmak
please - lütfen
killing - öldürme
dreams - rüyalar
little - küçük
living - yaşam
daddy - baba
making - yapma
neighbor - komşu
young - genç
never - asla
thing - şey
reach - ulaşmak
really - gerçekten mi
college - kolej
gangers - gangers
rolling - yuvarlanan
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