Drain the veins in my head

Clean out the reds in my eyes to get by security lines

Dear x-ray machine

Pretend you don't know me so well

I wont tell if you lied

Cry, cause the droughts been brought up

Drinkin' cause you're lookin so good in your starbucks cup

I complain for the company that I keep

The windows for sleeping rearrange

And I'm nobody

Well who's laughin now

I'm leaving your town again

And I'm over the ground that you've been spinning

And I'm up in the air so baby hell yeah

Well I can see your house from here

If the plane goes down, damn

I'll remember where the love was found

If the plane goes down, damn

Damn, I should be so lucky

Even only 24 hours under your touch

You know I need you so much

I cannot wait to call you

And tell you that I landed somewhere

And hand you a square of the airport

And walk you through the maze of the map

That im gazing at

upward - yukarı
undress - soyunmak
under - altında
think - düşünmek
these - bunlar
teeth - diş
sweaters - Kazak
starbucks - starbucks
square - kare
spinning - döndürme
somewhere - bir yerde
somebody - birisi
veins - damarlar
should - meli
ground - Zemin
honey - bal
gracefully - incelikle
clean - temiz
guilty - suçlu
leaving - ayrılma
quilt - yorgan
sleeping - uyuyor
drain - akıtmak
company - Şirket
droughts - kuraklık
stumbling - tökezleyerek
lucky - şanslı
airport - havalimanı
better - Daha iyi
again - Tekrar
where - nerede
supposedly - güya
landed - indi
brought - getirdi
windows - pencereler
laughin - Laughin
touch - dokunma
build - inşa etmek
cloud - bulut
cause - sebeb olmak
found - bulunan
cannot - yapamam
hours - saatler
house - ev
bound - ciltli
hurry - acele
complain - şikayet
knows - bilir
feeling - duygu
right - Sağ
unnamed - adsız
lines - hatlar
tumbling - yuvarlanan
plane - uçak
through - vasitasiyla
lookin - arama konumu
taste - damak zevki
crawl - yavaş ilerleme
machine - makine
pretend - taklit
seeds - tohumlar
maybe - olabilir
minded - fikirli
keeping - koruma
please - lütfen
nobody - kimse
gazing - bakan
remember - hatırlamak
rearrange - yeniden düzenlemek
security - güvenlik

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