If only given one wish for Christmas

A lot of things would truly come to mind

I’d think of everything from snow to trees and mistletoe

But only this one wish would touch my heart

My only wish for Christmas is you

You’re the only gift I wanted but had to choose

Above all presents big and small, you’re the greatest gift of all

My only wish for Christmas is you

I don’t need all those fancy decorations

I’d do without my mother’s pumpkin pie

would - olur
without - olmadan
wanted - aranan
touch - dokunma
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
small - küçük
shape - şekil
receive - teslim almak
fancy - fantezi
everything - her şey
christmas - noel
given - verilmiş
beauty - güzellik
winter - kış
could - could
colored - renkli
trees - ağaçlar
above - yukarıdaki
pumpkin - kabak
choose - seçmek
greatest - en büyük
cards - kartları
heart - kalp
match - maç
decorations - dekorasyonlar
means - anlamına geliyor
truly - gerçekten
mistletoe - ökseotu
lights - ışıklar
mother - anne
nights - gece
those - bu
snowy - kar yağışlı
presents - hediyeler
present - Mevcut

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