Crickets are chirpin' the water is high

There's a soft cotton dress on the line hangin' dry

Window's wide open african trees

Bent over backwards in a hurricane breeze

Not a word, a goodbye, not even a note

She's gone with the man in the long black coat

Somebody seem him hangin' around

At the old dance hall on the outskirts of town

He looked into her eyes when she stopped him to ask

If he wanted to dance he had a face like a mask

Somebody said, from the Bible he quote

wrote - yazdı
water - su
wanted - aranan
guide - kılavuz
every - proszę uważać
beating - dayak
dress - elbise
crickets - cırcır
depend - bağımlı
dance - dans
around - etrafında
bible - kutsal kitap
uprooted - kökünden sökülmüş
depraved - ahlaksız
crescent - hilâl
backwards - geriye doğru
force - kuvvet
black - siyah
conscience - vicdan
outskirts - disi
heart - kalp
breeze - esinti
cannot - yapamam
preacher - vaiz
goodbye - güle güle
trunks - mayo
float - şamandıra
horse - at
looked - baktı
mistakes - hatalar
never - asla
african - Afrika
people - insanlar
pulse - nabız
quote - alıntı
cotton - pamuk
throat - boğaz
satisfied - memnun
hurricane - kasırga
since - dan beri
sermon - vaaz
trees - ağaçlar
smoke - duman
somebody - birisi
sometimes - ara sıra
sticks - çubukları
vibrations - titreşimler
stopped - durduruldu
swallow - yutmak
there - Orada

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