He grew up in some forgotten midwest town

His mama raised him well

Barely getting by, but he'd be okay

As far as he could tell

Oh, the plant in town closed ten years ago

Now an empty ghost ship stands

For the last nine months he's tried to find a job

But there's nothing to be had

So he signs up to fight for Uncle Sam

It's the only choice he's got

To fight a desert war with another land

Only to find peace or not

He's a moving target in a desperate place

Every day is a twist of fate

Oh, his family wonders if he'll make it home

Knowing his faith's his saving grace

Now he's waking up in a strange land

years - Yıl
wounds - yaralar
violence - şiddet
uncle - amca dayı
trigger - tetik
tried - denenmiş
tragedy - trajedi
these - bunlar
grace - zarafet
ghost - hayalet
nightmare - kâbus
desperate - umutsuz
forgotten - unutulmuş
getting - alma
every - proszę uważać
desert - çöl
harms - zararları
cause - sebeb olmak
knowing - bilme
standing - ayakta
choice - seçim
could - could
scents - kokular
forget - unutmak
twist - dönemeç
barely - zar zor
regrets - pişmanlıklar
flashback - geçmişe dönüş
certain - belli
family - Aile
empty - Boş
brave - cesur
closed - kapalı
fight - kavga
memories - hatıralar
waking - uyanık
months - ay
ticket - bilet
stands - standları
moving - hareketli
stranger - yabancı
target - Hedef
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
smells - kokuyor
peace - barış
midwest - midwest
another - bir diğeri
place - yer
rewind - geri sarma
nursing - hemşirelik
prisoner - tutsak
plant - bitki
signs - işaretler
raised - kalkık
wonders - harikaları
saving - tasarruf
spells - büyü
strange - garip

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