ere people ever honest, cause times are changing,

I look around now, and see a lot of fake shit

So what is really real whose got the know how

You wish you new then, what you know now

Its kinda hard when the world seems relentless

I try to make it happen they say I’m selfish

Some people point their fingers they get up in my face

You want trouble well you’ve come to the right place

Ready to rumble at last it happens so fast

Some people take up space some people state the facts

Built for heavy loads, fine tuned for the long run

Givin you a chance to back out before its said and done

You want to take it outside check your vital signs

I hope you realize we all make mistakes

And it’s easy when you loose your head

whose - kimin
turnin - geriye
tuned - ayarlanmış
trouble - sorun
think - düşünmek
their - onların
tables - [object Object]
there - Orada
swallow - yutmak
vital - hayati
space - uzay
something - bir şey
selfish - bencil
seems - görünüyor
rumble - gümbürtü
givin - givin
focused - odaklı
heavy - ağır
gotta - lazım
kinda - tür
could - could
people - insanlar
better - Daha iyi
respect - saygı
changing - değiştirme
loads - yükler
attitude - tutum
happens - olur
chance - şans
state - belirtmek, bildirmek
fingers - parmaklar
world - Dünya
stakes - kazıklar
outside - dışında
clever - zeki
cause - sebeb olmak
around - etrafında
predictions - tahminler
instinct - içgüdü
relentless - acımasız
stand - durmak
fight - kavga
before - önce
being - olmak
point - puan
times - zamanlar
ready - hazır
right - Sağ
honest - Dürüst
light - ışık
loose - gevşek
happen - olmak
already - zaten
mistakes - hatalar
place - yer
money - para
facts - gerçekler
politics - siyaset
twice - iki defa
funny - komik
realize - gerçekleştirmek
check - kontrol
pride - gurur
built - inşa edilmiş
quick - hızlı
signs - işaretler
raised - kalkık
really - gerçekten mi

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