A Saturday downpour carved out rivers in the sand

She said it was her first time to see the sea

Helping her climb across those jetty rocks

Was the first time I touched her hand

The rain and the way that felt never let up all week

By Thursday I knew everything about her

And God, the last day I didn't wanna leave without her

The sidewalks, the streets were soaked

The sky was gray but you should've seen her face

Shining like that lighthouse through all the rain

And the way she called my name

I've lived those seven days a thousand times

Those seven days a thousand

Time was like the tide, it came and went

That old pier ran clear out into the mist

without - olmadan
waves - dalgalar
moments - anlar
wanna - istiyorum
first - ilk
lighthouse - fener
times - zamanlar
leave - ayrılmak
soaked - batırılmış
helping - yardım ediyor
shining - parlıyor
grain - tahıl
night - gece
clear - açık
jetty - dalgakıran
lived - yaşamış
window - pencere
downpour - sağanak
rivers - Nehirler
second - ikinci
again - Tekrar
rocks - kayaçlar
listened - dinlenen
saturday - cumartesi
about - hakkında
called - denilen
carved - oyulmuş
climb - tırmanış
never - asla
across - karşısında
streets - sokaklar
everything - her şey
every - proszę uważać
except - dışında
plays - oyunlar
wednesday - çarşamba
saltwater - tuzlu su
seven - yedi
sidewalks - kaldırımlar
morning - sabah
snuck - sokuldum
taffy - bonbon
there - Orada
single - Tek
thursday - Perşembe
those - bu
thousand - bin
through - vasitasiyla
taste - damak zevki
touched - müteessir
tuesday - Salı

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