Long ago and far away in a different age
when I was a dumb young guy
fossilized photos of my life then
illustrate what an easy prey I must have been
standing in the sun, idiot savant
something like a monument
I'm a dinosaur, somebody is digging my bones
ignorance has alway been something I excel in
followed by naivete and pride
wonder - merak etmek
thing - şey
something - bir şey
pride - gurur
predator - yırtıcı hayvan
piece - parça
photos - fotoğraflar
excel - excel
pushed - itilmiş
dinosaur - dinozor
judgements - yargılar
different - farklı
somebody - birisi
idiot - salak
could - could
clever - zeki
nearly - neredeyse
still - yine
bones - kemikler
extinct - soyu tükenmiş
scientist - bilim insanı
brink - kenar
young - genç
fossil - fosil
followed - takip etti
alway - alway
fossilized - fosilleşmiş
naivete - saflık
digging - kazma
ignorance - cehalet
illustrate - örneklemek
standing - ayakta
learned - bilgili
savant - bilgin
mistakes - hatalar
monument - anıt
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