Tears are shed, a shame
I should have known
I should have thought
I could have thought
Before I cast that stone
The waves radiate far and wide
There's a ringing in my ears
For a minute
I think I'm going blind
Tears are shed, a shame
I should have known
The crown weighs heavy
Heavy as I sit back in my throne
I say hey, it wasn't me
I'm just a pawn
But the devil's not into details
weighs - ağırlığındadır
heavy - ağır
glory - şan
great - harika
woken - uyandı
everything - her şey
blind - kör
heroes - kahramanlar
becomes - olur
details - ayrıntılar
overrun - aşmak
going - gidiş
clean - temiz
earns - kazanır
sweep - süpürme
destroying - tahrip
before - önce
where - nerede
delay - gecikme
built - inşa edilmiş
crown - taç
history - tarih
could - could
title - başlık
dates - tarih
hordes - ordularını
invitation - davetiye
known - bilinen
making - yapma
ringing - çınlama
hesitation - duraksama
minute - dakika
mothers - anneler
throne - taht
mysteries - gizemler
radiate - yaymak
dream - rüya
stone - taş
should - meli
waiting - bekleme
shame - utanç
special - özel
tears - gözyaşı
string - sicim
think - düşünmek
thought - düşünce
waves - dalgalar
unlearned - bilgisiz
broken - kırık
victor - galip
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