Vanessa's father, he liked to be alone
Creating works of art, which he'd paint in a cottage made of stone
One day I crept inside, and I was unaware
of what I was gong to find, well the pictures they opened up my mind.
I saw sculptures of young lovers intertwined,
And on their bodies he had signed his name,
And so I left that place, with a different look upon my face.
Well I was fifteen and he had a certain charm,
The way he smiled at me and the way that he'd gently touch my arm,
And somehow we would always be alone
When it was time to take me home
And so we'd speed through the countryside
In his convertible we'd ride
Vanessa's father, was driving me home at night,
And I never said a word, oh but somehow we just got here,
Her father, was driving me home at night,
And when I think back to then,
I would count the days til I could go there again,
vanessa - vanessa
unaware - habersiz
touch - dokunma
through - vasitasiyla
thoughts - düşünceler
thought - düşünce
weekend - hafta sonu
these - bunlar
there - Orada
their - onların
strange - garip
stared - baktı
smoke - duman
smiles - gülümsüyor
signed - imzalı
sensual - şehvetli
sends - gönderir
seems - görünüyor
would - olur
sculptures - heykeller
really - gerçekten mi
pushed - itilmiş
planned - planlı
looked - baktı
stone - taş
regret - pişmanlık
creating - oluşturma
thousand - bin
secretly - gizlice
cigarette - sigara
cottage - kulübe
clear - açık
lovers - aşıklar
charm - çekicilik
certain - belli
shaft - şaft
could - could
driving - sürme
always - Her zaman
present - Mevcut
night - gece
smiled - GÜLÜMSEDİ
alone - yalnız
light - ışık
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
against - karşısında
again - Tekrar
kissed - öptü
bitch - orospu
backwards - geriye doğru
qualities - nitelikleri
countryside - kırsal bölge
works - eserleri
count - saymak
convertible - konvertibl
painted - Boyalı
bodies - bedenler
stood - durdu
speed - hız
cause - sebeb olmak
times - zamanlar
different - farklı
everything - her şey
cried - ağladım
fifteen - onbeş
breathed - nefes
father - baba
gently - nazikçe
smiling - gülümseyen
going - gidiş
intertwined - iç içe
history - tarih
husband - koca
crept - süzüldü
married - evli
inside - içeride
sleeping - uyuyor
liked - sevilen
young - genç
never - asla
opened - açıldı
paint - boya
somehow - bir şekilde
pictures - resimler
another - bir diğeri
place - yer
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