Hey, fellas, have ya heard the news

Ya know that Annie's back in town

It won't take long, just watch and see

all the fellas lay their money down

Her style is new but the pay's the same as it was so long ago

But from her eyes a different smile like of the one who knows

Well it's been ten years or maybe more

since I first set eyes on you

The best years of my life gone by, here I am alone and blue

wicked - kötü
years - Yıl
where - nerede
unwind - gevşemek
tried - denenmiş
times - zamanlar
thousand - bin
thing - şey
style - stil
first - ilk
another - bir diğeri
above - yukarıdaki
along - uzun bir
abuse - taciz
heartbreaker - kalp kırıcı
watch - izlemek
alone - yalnız
around - etrafında
different - farklı
smile - gülümseme
fellas - dostlar
however - Ancak
heard - duymuş
please - lütfen
heart - kalp
knows - bilir
their - onların
maybe - olabilir
clarify - açıklamak
saved - kaydedilmiş
grace - zarafet
money - para
people - insanlar
since - dan beri

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