Out from the ashes a few will arise,

Pull down the curtain revealing open eyes.

Deep from the fires with a flame in your fist,

Marks the return of a man to re-exist.

Out from the dust just a few will survive,

Pulled from the wreckage to spare another life.

Deep from the darkness we live to excess,

where - nerede
waited - bekledi
underneath - altında
taking - alma
survive - hayatta kalmak
wearing - giyme
spare - yedek
sight - görme
rising - yükselen
wreckage - enkaz
pulled - çekti
great - harika
excess - aşiri
another - bir diğeri
burden - yük
darkness - karanlık
alive - canlı
curtain - perde
arise - ortaya
revealing - açıklayıcı
ashes - küller
heard - duymuş
gleam - parıltı
light - ışık
exist - var olmak
marks - izler
fires - Yangınlar
success - başarı
return - dönüş
flame - alev
place - yer
crowns - kron
calling - çağrı
flames - Alevler
found - bulunan
throne - taht
kings - krallar

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