When all the world has gone insane

The men, the beasts, every living thing

At the top of the trees, at the bottom of the pyramid

A face in the crowd, trying to exist

We paid too much significance to things

We spread enough intolerance it seems

world - Dünya
water - su
trees - ağaçlar
thread - iplik
taste - damak zevki
exist - var olmak
every - proszę uważać
enough - yeterli
trying - çalışıyor
living - yaşam
resist - direnmek
under - altında
easily - kolayca
everything - her şey
things - eşyalar
light - ışık
bottom - alt
speed - hız
thing - şey
chance - şans
close - kapat
without - olmadan
pyramid - piramit
crowd - kalabalık
seems - görünüyor
beasts - hayvanlar
hanging - asılı
intolerance - hoşgörüsüzlük
never - asla
insane - deli
significance - önem
spread - yayilmiş

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