You liked me till' you heard my shit on the radio
Well I hate to say but pop aint' going solo
You liked me till' you heard my shit on the radio
But now I'm just too mainstream for you, oh no
You liked me till' you seen me on your t.v.
Well if you're so low below then why you watching
You say good things come to those who wait
Well I've been waiting a long time for it
I remember the days when I was so eager to satisfy you
And be less then I was just to prove I could walk beside you
Now that I've flown away I see you've chosen to stay behind me
And still you curse the day I decided to stay true to myself
You say your quest is to bring it higher
Well I never seen change without a fire
yellow - sarı
yearning - hasret
where - nerede
waiting - bekleme
underneath - altında
trying - çalışıyor
those - bu
without - olmadan
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
green - yeşil
break - kırılma
eager - istekli
exposing - teşhir
curse - lanet
could - could
easier - daha kolay
colours - renkler
chosen - seçilmiş
behind - arkasında
leave - ayrılmak
heights - yükseklikleri
scream - çığlık
flown - uçakla
below - altında
about - hakkında
sound - ses
beside - yanında
spitfire - püsküren volkan
going - gidiş
through - vasitasiyla
bring - getirmek
because - Çünkü
myself - kendim
burning - yanan
expect - beklemek
change - değişiklik
guaranteeing - kefil
heard - duymuş
liked - sevilen
hello - merhaba
mainstream - ana akım
making - yapma
mouth - ağız
watching - seyretme
afraid - korkmuş
never - asla
higher - daha yüksek
point - puan
prove - kanıtlamak
remember - hatırlamak
decided - karar
quest - araştırma
radio - radyo
there - Orada
satisfy - tatmin etmek
spotlight - spot
still - yine
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