
Ah, hah, ha-ha ha-UHH-ah [repeat 4X]

Everybody let's go!

[Verse 1]

Little, Red, Riding, Hood, went riding on her bike

She got just a little distracted cause she see something she liked

Just because it ain't grandma's house don't mean that it's all good

Cause no one cares, if she's in there, and the wolf's still in the woods

(Beautiful losers)

To you they might look beautiful, but they're rotten in the inside

(Beautiful losers)

When there's so much dirt up under the cupboard

There's a big ol' lump that can't hide, c'mon!

Here they go again, wearing disguises to a friend

Watch the bullets ricochet, off of the Hummer like

Blam ba blam, blam ba blam, hey hey

You know they won't succeed, you know relentless they will be

You should tell 'em clear the way

And tell 'em to step back, back ba back, hey hey!


would - olur
world - Dünya
wearing - giyme
under - altında
there - Orada
their - onların
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
starring - oynadığı
stand - durmak
spaceship - uzay gemisi
snowball - kartopu
wonder - merak etmek
shoulder - omuz
should - meli
karma - karma
dances - danslar
liked - sevilen
cupboard - dolap
color - renk
coldest - en soğuk
chorus - koro
disguises - maskeler
avalanches - çığ
glances - bakışlar
seeing - görme
anything - her şey
always - Her zaman
night - gece
clear - açık
downhill - yokuş aşağı
rotten - çürük
again - Tekrar
verse - ayet
might - belki
beautiful - güzel
still - yine
branches - dalları
hummer - vınlayan şey
because - Çünkü
echoes - yankıları
outro - outro
distracted - dikkati dağılmış
provided - sağlanan
cause - sebeb olmak
bullets - mermiler
impoverished - yoksul
ricochet - sekme
eventually - sonunda
trees - ağaçlar
devil - şeytan
friend - arkadaş
everybody - Herkes
gotta - lazım
house - ev
woods - orman
watch - izlemek
something - bir şey
inside - içeride
repeat - tekrar et
cares - bakımları
intro - intro
knees - dizler
sounds - sesleri
little - küçük
losers - Kaybedenler
succeed - başarılı olmak
believe - inanmak
relentless - acımasız
employed - çalışan
riding - binme

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