In a manger like Christ I lay

Yellow fever, yellow hay

Feel the rhythm, sweetest sound

Making, breaking sacred ground

I'd give you a piece of my love for free

But whatever I say you'll never see

Acquire a taste for a different sound

Make or break it this side of town

yellow - sarı
wrong - Yanlış
world - Dünya
whatever - her neyse
taste - damak zevki
stealing - çalma
sound - ses
strange - garip
shaking - sallama
running - koşu
royal - royal
rhythm - ritim
coming - gelecek
sweetest - tatlı
blood - kan
detached - bağımsız
christ - i̇sa
children - çocuklar
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
ground - Zemin
instant - anlık
acquire - kazanmak
making - yapma
breaking - kırma
different - farklı
around - etrafında
sacred - kutsal
greed - hırs
piece - parça
break - kırılma
fever - ateş
signs - işaretler
fibres - elyaf
spinning - döndürme
everyone - Herkes
found - bulunan
eviction - tahliye
lives - hayatları
manger - yemlik
never - asla

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