Love is here to stay

I pray, that love is really here to stay

for me and you

I don't wanna loose it, don't wanna wait

untill, it's all too late

I'm so in love, it's true

and in my dreams, I walk around with

someone on my side, who loves me

oh soo much

its you my love, I want you

and I don't wanna loose your love

I need your special touch

I'm on a high love hi, I never say goodbye

oh no not I, I'm on a high lovehigh

wanna - istiyorum
touch - dokunma
think - düşünmek
success - başarı
stormy - fırtınalı
times - zamanlar
special - özel
someone - Birisi
rhymes - kafiyem
really - gerçekten mi
smell - koku
pushes - iter
power - Güç
untill - e kadar
express - ekspres
dreams - rüyalar
stare - bakıyorum
energy - enerji
dream - rüya
people - insanlar
bodyguard - muhafız
level - seviye
cover - kapak
eachother - herbiri
swell - kabarma
cause - sebeb olmak
riggs - Riggs
chance - şans
never - asla
favour - iyilik
failure - başarısızlık
together - Birlikte
goodbye - güle güle
happy - mutlu
hopps - hopps
loose - gevşek
around - etrafında
lover - sevgili
loves - sever
passing - geçen

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