"The summer of 2003, after the mania ending, the depression, like, I tried to do, I mean, I was still in school

But I tried to do some part-time work, and, it wasn't happening

It was too, overwhelming

'Cause that's one of the major things with depression that I've experienced

It's just this really crippling sense of being overwhelmed

By things that aren't even my responsibility

would - olur
where - nerede
usually - genellikle
upside - üst taraf
thought - düşünce
supervisors - denetçiler
store - mağaza
suddenly - aniden
still - yine
something - bir şey
sense - duyu
responsibility - sorumluluk
things - eşyalar
forward - ileri
following - takip etme
managing - yönetme
drive - sürücü
crippling - felce uğratan
driving - sürme
depression - depresyon
summer - Yaz
ability - kabiliyet
mania - cinnet
could - could
construction - inşaat
tried - denenmiş
actually - aslında
affects - etkiler
hospitalization - hastaneye yatırma
because - Çünkü
major - majör
after - sonra
experienced - deneyimli
attempt - girişim
bosses - patronlar
tough - sert
there - Orada
school - okul
question - soru
places - yerler
consistently - sürekli
pretty - güzel
being - olmak
right - Sağ
issue - konu
point - puan
upfront - açık
going - gidiş
ending - bitirme
gonna - olacak
medication - ilaç
about - hakkında
other - diğer
happening - olay
crushed - ezilmiş
having - sahip olan
employers - işveren
grocery - bakkal
really - gerçekten mi
remember - hatırlamak
honest - Dürüst
times - zamanlar
impair - bozmak, zayıflatmak
manage - yönetmek
medical - Tıbbi
overwhelmed - boğulmuş
suicide - intihar
overwhelming - ezici

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