[Verse 1]

My heart is filled, with love and care

Not an ounce of gas, I would get up there

The answer's simple

You lift me up

The view up here, I see all the stars

There go Venus, and there go Mars

Somethin' you been through

You're from above

[Bridge 1]

When I first saw you, I got excited

Tried to keep my composure, tryna hide it

But I didn't know

I didn't let go

Then it occurred to me while tryna fight it

Just like a kite, you lurk to ride it

But I didn't know

You're s'posed to let it go


Like a gust of wind

You head me off sometimes

Like a gust of wind

would - olur
window - pencere
whooshes - whooshes
while - süre
verse - ayet
venus - Venüs
heart - kalp
cares - bakımları
wanna - istiyorum
first - ilk
color - renk
remember - hatırlamak
hover - duraksamak
excited - heyecanlı
every - proszę uważać
someone - Birisi
composure - sakinlik
breathe - nefes almak
bridge - köprü
above - yukarıdaki
suffer - acı çekmek
fight - kavga
cause - sebeb olmak
closest - En yakın
there - Orada
chorus - koro
sometimes - ara sıra
learn - öğrenmek
hands - eller
board - yazı tahtası
discover - keşfetmek
tryna - çalıştığını
forever - sonsuza dek
mothership - ana gemi
thing - şey
colors - renkler
music - müzik
northern - kuzey
winds - rüzgarlar
tried - denenmiş
occurred - oluştu
colourful - renkli
power - Güç
other - diğer
ounce - ons
filled - dolu
remind - hatırlatmak
running - koşu
never - asla
stars - yıldızlar
simple - Basit
skies - Gökyüzü
until - a kadar
through - vasitasiyla

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