I could be the tiger, I could be the snake
I could be the fire, I could be the lake
I could be the sky-bird waiting on the wind
I could be the devil waiting to begin
See, I was the wounded master, oh then I was the slave
My hands and my mouth, aw honey, they would not behave
See, I was the holy writer then I was the page
I was the bleeding actor then I was the stage
But now you're telling me my heart's sick
And I'm telling you I know
And you're telling me you're leaving
And I'm telling you to go
writer - yazar
wounded - yaralı
would - olur
waiting - bekleme
tiger - kaplan
terror - terör
stage - evre
sorry - afedersiniz
snake - yılan
slave - köle
telling - söylüyorum
devil - şeytan
actor - aktör
place - yer
again - Tekrar
forever - sonsuza dek
couple - çift
master - ana
chests - sandıklar
canyons - kanyonlar
begin - başla
morning - sabah
wreck - enkaz
caught - yakalandı
breaks - sonları
bleeding - kanama
could - could
behave - davranmak
heart - kalp
honey - bal
tether - urgan
hands - eller
leaving - ayrılma
mouth - ağız
season - sezon
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