She wandered through the garden fence

and said, 'I've brought at great expense

a potion guaranteed to bring

relief from all your suffering.'

And though I said, 'You don't exist,'

she grasped me firmly by the wrist

and threw me down upon my back

and strapped me to her torture rack

And, without further argument

tongue - dil
through - vasitasiyla
think - düşünmek
suffering - çile
strapped - sarılı
speak - konuşmak
somebody - birisi
shame - utanç
wandered - dolaştım
relief - kabartma
potion - iksir
worse - daha da kötüsü
maybe - olabilir
guaranteed - garantili
brain - Beyin
threw - attı
thought - düşünce
blame - suçlama
without - olmadan
again - Tekrar
wrist - bilek
brought - getirdi
could - could
grasped - kavradı
myself - kendim
cannot - yapamam
found - bulunan
bring - getirmek
hastened - hızlandırdı
believed - inanılır
argument - tartışma
torment - işkence
devious - dolambaçlı
garden - bahçe
reply - cevap
exist - var olmak
torture - işkence
expense - gider
firmly - sıkıca
voice - Ses
though - gerçi
further - ayrıca
course - kurs
fence - çit
great - harika

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