Pusher of the button
Talkin' loud ain't sayin' nuttin'
The mack of the format gettin' fat
Ain't funny 'cause my neighborhood
Is flowin' money
Thank God 4 the boulevard
They keep the motor runnin'
The rap shows coincide wit' the tape flow
Bootleggers go inside and record the record low
They get me, get this now can you freestyle
Freestyle no styles free except da radio
But the radio controlled by the sucker move
Who moved away got away after plannin' a getaway
An now he wanna play what he wanna play
An got say on what is bumpin' of course he's gettin' somethin'
Never know what's good to tha neighborhood
Swear I never seen da sucker
In my necka da woods
The ass is connected to the brain stem
So I sing a simple song
So you can see the sucker in 'em
People got to make a call
To hear the yes y'all (yes y'all)
While the phone keep ringin'
You hear some singer singin'
Why don't dey play the jammy in the daytime
People think it's slammin' plus the rhyme
wonder - merak etmek
whacker - kocaman kimse
until - a kadar
thought - düşünce
taste - damak zevki
syndicate - sendika
styles - stilleri
storm - fırtına
stacked - yığılmış
while - süre
singer - şarkıcı
shows - gösterileri
slick - kaygan
season - sezon
ripper - yırtıcı
underground - yeraltı
record - kayıt
format - biçim
sucker - enayi
station - istasyon
draft - taslak
funny - komik
towner -
controlled - kontrollü
anyway - neyse
after - sonra
except - dışında
coincide - rastlamak
demographics - demografisi
connected - Bağlı
squad - takım
sleep - uyku
gonna - olacak
could - could
still - yine
neighborhood - komşuluk
boulevard - bulvar
attack - saldırı
quiet - sessiz
rhyme - kafiye
everybody - Herkes
behind - arkasında
weasel - gelincik
think - düşünmek
afternoon - öğleden sonra
daytime - gündüz
simple - Basit
brain - Beyin
button - düğme
marley - marley
course - kurs
people - insanlar
getaway - klicken sie auf ein wort oder markieren sie einen ausdruck, um die übersetzung zu sehen
swear - yemin etmek
really - gerçekten mi
giddy - sersem
gimme - ver
woods - orman
inside - içeride
phone - telefon
jammy - ballı
thank - teşekkür
money - para
motor - motor
moved - taşındı
freestyle - serbest
never - asla
control - kontrol
number - numara
about - hakkında
black - siyah
other - diğer
programmed - programlanmış
master - ana
funky - korkak
pusher - itici
wanna - istiyorum
radio - radyo
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