I spy a boy, I spy a girl
I spy the worst place in the world
In the whole wide world
Oh you didn't do bad, you made it out
I'm still stuck here, oh but I'll get out
Oh yeah, I'll get out
Can't you see the giant that walks among you
Seeing through your petty lives?
Do you think I do these things for real?
I do these things just so I survive
And you know I will survive
It may look to the untrained eye
I'm sitting on my arse all day
I'm biding time until I take you all on
I want to, hear this
I will prevail, I cannot fail
'Cos I spy
Oh, I've got your number, taken notes
I know the ways your minds work, I've studied
And your minds are just the same as mine
Except that you are clever swines
You never let your mask slip, you never admit to it
You're never hurried, oh no no no
And every night I hone my plan
How I will get my satisfaction
How I will blow your paradise away, away, away
'Cos I spy
And it's just like in the old days
I used to compose my own critical notices in my head
worst - en kötü
world - Dünya
woman - kadın
wanted - aranan
until - a kadar
unexpectedly - beklenmedik
touched - müteessir
together - Birlikte
thousands - binlerce
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
weeks - haftalar
taking - alma
taken - alınmış
grass - çimen
afternoon - öğleden sonra
prevail - hakim
plaque - plaka
drinking - içme
dresses - elbiseler
dinner - akşam yemegi
except - dışında
swines - domuzlar
indeed - aslında
corners - köşeleri
bones - kemikler
control - kontrol
masterful - ustaca
front - Ön
corner - Köşe
biding - bekliyorumdur
grove - koru
minds - zihinler
place - yer
clever - zeki
cause - sebeb olmak
chose - seçti
chest - göğüs
bicycle - bisiklet
whole - bütün
dragged - sürüklenen
giant - Dev
designer - tasarımcı
provence -
favourite - favori
crowd - kalabalık
dryness - kuruluk
exactly - kesinlikle
compose - oluşturmak
catch - yakalamak
smoke - duman
living - yaşam
again - Tekrar
critical - kritik
admit - itiraf etmek
among - arasında
brandy - brendi
birds - kuşlar
night - gece
burns - yanıklar
through - vasitasiyla
above - yukarıdaki
cigarettes - sigaralar
never - asla
champagne - şampanya
chance - şans
beating - dayak
untrained - eğitilmemiş
cheek - yanak
hatch - kapak
haves - gerekenler
hurried - acele
cannot - yapamam
imagining - hayal etme
these - bunlar
lines - hatlar
notes - notlar
stuck - sıkışmış
lives - hayatları
walks - yürüyüşleri
messing - karıştırmasını
midnight - gece yarısı
notices - bildirimler
should - meli
avoiding - kaçınma
outside - dışında
against - karşısında
paradise - cennet
parks - parklar
first - ilk
parties - partiler
shove - kıpırdamak
looks - görünüyor
revenge - intikam
sickness - hastalık
number - numara
satisfaction - memnuniyet
skilfully - ustalıkla
stretched - gergin
seeing - görme
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