Listen to the Beatles and the sound of laughing Ed McMahon, we got high

Educated by a world so full of self and lost in space - too much pride

Cosmonauts and dirty thoughts are juggling the juggernaut, soviet spy

Every now and then when I remember to befriend the little things in life

Hey, you're fine!

I wanna listen to the radio

Drivin' down Calexico highway

And now I know the signs, for sure

Hold my hand

I wanna share it all with Mary

Results are gonna vary now

Later on I'll read to you the things that I've been needing to say goodbye

write - yazmak
world - Dünya
laughing - gülme
dirty - kirli
later - sonra
highway - karayolu
educated - eğitimli
gonna - olacak
listen - dinlemek
beatles - beatles
share - pay
early - Erken
befriend - arkadaş olmak
drifted - sürüklendi
before - önce
catch - yakalamak
cosmonauts - kozmonotlar
goodbye - güle güle
fifties - elliler
really - gerçekten mi
carry - taşımak
brains - beyin
death - ölüm
every - proszę uważać
stains - lekeleri
breath - nefes
needing - gerek
juggernaut - önüne gelen her şeyi yıkan güç
never - asla
through - vasitasiyla
little - küçük
pride - gurur
wanna - istiyorum
soviet - Sovyet
radio - radyo
remains - kalıntılar
results - sonuçlar
skinny - sıska
juggling - hokkabazlık
there - Orada
shows - gösterileri
signs - işaretler
lifted - kaldırdı
sound - ses
space - uzay
teenage - genç
things - eşyalar
remember - hatırlamak
rather - daha doğrusu
thoughts - düşünceler

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