For you and me, babe, it's time that we part,

And between you, babe, I gave you my heart,

For these few moments,

I wish we could start at the top again.

For me and you, babe, it's the end of our date,

Me and the band, babe, all thought it was great,

To entertain you,

But it's getting late and it's time to leave.

Now I want to tell you the pleasure really was mine.

Yes, I had a good time, singing and drinking some wine.

And when the sun sets in the sky

And you close your weary eyes,

I'll be in some night-club, getting high, that's no lie.

Now you and me, babe, we may meet again,

wonderful - olağanüstü
weary - yorgun
turned - dönük
thought - düşünce
though - gerçi
these - bunlar
there - Orada
thank - teşekkür
voorman - Voorman
still - yine
start - başlama
spinning - döndürme
sounds - sesleri
smiling - gülümseyen
joined - katıldı
involved - ilgili
hopkins - hopkins
night - gece
heart - kalp
stayed - kaldı
harrison - harrison
goodbye - güle güle
richard - Richard
violins - keman
great - harika
klaus - klaus
close - kapat
could - could
drinking - içme
friends - arkadaşlar
leave - ayrılmak
between - arasında
masterpiece - başyapıt
again - Tekrar
smile - gülümseme
helped - yardım etti
mccartney - mccartney
found - bulunan
nicky - nicky
other - diğer
everybody - Herkes
entertain - eğlendirmek
loving - seven
getting - alma
making - yapma
producing - üreten
meanwhile - o esnada
moments - anlar
george - George
everyone - Herkes
really - gerçekten mi
lennon - lennon
perry - armut şarabı
ringo - ringo
piece - parça
record - kayıt
plastic - plastik
pleasure - zevk
reaching - ulaşan
lights - ışıklar
right - Sağ
liked - sevilen
singing - şan

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