The sky is on fire burning black gold

Eyes of the west turn to east

Driven by greed and an urge to destroy

Merciless killing your own

Slave to the power, a slave to the gold

Ruthlessly ruling the east

Your reign of terror must come to an end

Fighting your unholy war

Now you will pay, we'll charge you our way

Sooner or later we'll get you

Don't try to hide in your holes underground

Just like an insect we'll smoke you right out

Night time, prime time

Ancient legacy of crime

One day we will make you pay for

Night time, prime time

Law and order pays the fine

Genocide you cannot justify

Chaos in east, disorder in west

Desert storm is a go

Fighters are launched from the carriers at sea

Infantry coming your way

unholy - dine aykırı
through - vasitasiyla
their - onların
terror - terör
storm - fırtına
still - yine
smoke - duman
ruthlessly - acımasızca
regain - yeniden kazanmak
right - Sağ
crime - suç
cause - sebeb olmak
ruins - kalıntılar
fighters - savaşçıları
infantry - piyade
death - ölüm
cannot - yapamam
coward - korkak
control - kontrol
cities - şehirler
charge - şarj etmek
coming - gelecek
carriers - taşıyıcılar
countdown - geri sayım
armored - zırhlı
destroy - yıkmak
burning - yanan
ancient - eski
after - sonra
killing - öldürme
caused - neden oldu
ruling - yonetmek
black - siyah
sooner - er
before - önce
forcing - zorlama
reign - saltanat
greed - hırs
allies - müttefikler
chaos - kaos
brigades -
driven - tahrik
desert - çöl
fighting - kavga
prime - asal
genocide - soykırım
regaining - kazanmak
lines - hatlar
disorder - düzensizlik
holes - delikler
insect - böcek
order - sipariş
justify - haklı çıkarmak
returning - dönen
later - sonra
slave - köle
making - yapma
launched - başlattı
captured - Yakalanan
people - insanlar
legacy - miras
underground - yeraltı
power - Güç
engaging - çekici
merciless - acımasız
night - gece

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