Well here comes my baby

She's dressed oh so cute

She looks a little crazy

In her Hollywood shoes

Well baby loves driving

In my hot brand new car

She thinks less than flying

Is not fast enough

But when you turn upside down

Life ain't too much fun

I wanted to cry

But the tears wouldn't come

Here comes my baby

She's the one I adore

Well she's a lucky lady

Born in a Gucci store

through - vasitasiyla
swear - yemin etmek
straight - düz
skies - Gökyüzü
seems - görünüyor
right - Sağ
rains - yağmurlar
store - mağaza
pretty - güzel
platinum - platin
never - asla
enough - yeterli
motion - Hareket
driving - sürme
cards - kartları
crazy - çılgın
lookalike - bosszú!
wanted - aranan
adore - tapmak
night - gece
comes - geliyor
hollywood - Hollywood
every - proszę uważać
shoes - ayakkabı
flying - uçan
faster - Daha hızlı
friendly - arkadaş canlısı
across - karşısında
brand - marka
looks - görünüyor
without - olmadan
upside - üst taraf
again - Tekrar
gucci - gucci
loves - sever
tears - gözyaşı
ocean - okyanus
immigration - göç
thinks - düşünüyor
dressed - giyinmiş
little - küçük
waiting - bekleme
lucky - şanslı

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