She was no longer precious to me...

I guess my hate grew much stronger

Than my love for her ever did

(I was) so tired of chasing that person

Who made me feel loved

And as we were embracing I cut

And spilt the dearest blood

I'm praying for her soul as this blood

On my hands stains me whole...

You were my life, from you I fed of

And now parted by knife - the suicide of our love

So callous and frigid was that stillborn soul...

Yet no other half could ever make me whole

You promised: "...'til death do us part"

whole - bütün
tired - yorgun
heart - kalp
loved - sevilen
hands - eller
grave - mezar
flame - alev
those - bu
alive - canlı
burns - yanıklar
stronger - güçlü
blood - kan
beating - dayak
nights - gece
chasing - takip
dearest - gözbebeği
longer - uzun
guess - tahmin
abundant - bol
passion - tutku
knife - bıçak
could - could
fades - sönüyor
setting - ayar
death - ölüm
other - diğer
stains - lekeleri
loveless - sevgisiz
suicide - intihar
huddled - sokuldular
frigid - buz gibi
callous - duygusuz
parted - aralandı
stillborn - ölü doğmuş
spilt - Dökülen
praying - dua eden
reasons - nedenleri
seeping - sızan
person - kişi
precious - Değerli
pulse - nabız
shadows - gölgeler
embracing - kucaklama
stand - durmak
stillness - durgunluk
stone - taş
promised - söz
times - zamanlar

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