Money is the Bentley parked on Wall Street

Money is the new friends you make each week

Money is the inside guy at the bank

Money is the yacht right before it sank

Bet you never thought you'd want so much

Bet you never thought it'd be so tough

So you sell your soul for a piece of the pie

Now you can't sleep so you don't even try

I wouldn't want to be like you

I wouldn't want to be like you, no way

I wouldn't want to be like you

You tell a lie, you tell a lie, you tell a lie

But that don't make it true

Money is the monkey giving you a back ache

Money is the grease in the palm of a handshake

Money covers up all the evidence

Not taking all the money would have made the best sense

Bet you never thought you'd bleed that much

Bet you never thought I'd be so rough