Oh, when your hands start a-clapping
And your fingers start a-popping
Well, your feet got to move around
And you start to swing and swaying
And the band starts to playing
To a real cool, way out sound
Well, if you get the "can't help it's" and you can't sit down
worry - endişelenmek
swaying - sallanan
thing - şey
starts - başlar
fingers - parmaklar
bones - kemikler
little - küçük
chill - soğuk
about - hakkında
clapping - zırıltı
pleasure - zevk
popping - haşhaş
dancing - dans
rhythm - ritim
dance - dans
gonna - olacak
blues - hüzün
finally - en sonunda
around - etrafında
lover - sevgili
swing - salıncak
sound - ses
playing - oynama
measure - ölçmek
shoes - ayakkabı
hands - eller
start - başlama
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