Where she walks no flowers bloom

He's the wall I see right through

She's the absinthe on my lips

The splinter in my fingertips

But who could do without you?

But who could do without you?

She's the sea I'm sinking in

He's the ink under my skin

where - nerede
through - vasitasiyla
could - could
right - Sağ
sometimes - ara sıra
splinter - kıymık
under - altında
bloom - çiçek açmak
apart - ayrı
chain - zincir
begins - başlar
around - etrafında
ashes - küller
absinthe - pelin
dancing - dans
sinking - batma
without - olmadan
walks - yürüyüşleri
still - yine
flame - alev
butterflies - kelebekler
horses - atlar
fingertips - parmak uçları
flowers - çiçekler
leave - ayrılmak
pretty - güzel
remain - kalmak

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