It doesn't matter if we all die

Ambition in the back of a black car

In a high building there is so much to do

Going home time

A story on the radio

Something small falls out of your mouth

And we laugh

A prayer for something better

A prayer

For something better

Please love me

Meet my mother

But the fear takes hold

Creeping up the stairs in the dark

Waiting for the death blow

Waiting for the death blow

Waiting for the death blow

Stroking your hair as the patriots are shot

Fighting for freedom on television

Sharing the world with slaughtered pigs

Have we got everything?

She struggles to get away . . .

The pain

And the creeping feeling

water - su
under - altında
thrashing - dayak
there - Orada
throat - boğaz
television - televizyon
struggles - mücadeleler
story - öykü
world - Dünya
stairs - merdivenler
soldiers - Askerler
freedom - özgürlük
small - küçük
deliverance - kurtuluş
father - baba
blood - kan
building - Bina
hundred - yüz
bursts - patlamaları
fighting - kavga
clean - temiz
tiger - kaplan
going - gidiş
white - beyaz
crimson - kıpkırmızı
matter - madde
death - ölüm
sound - ses
black - siyah
other - diğer
better - Daha iyi
yellow - sarı
takes - alır
ambition - hırs
little - küçük
after - sonra
years - Yıl
painting - boyama
mouth - ağız
creeping - sürünen
shadows - gölgeler
stroking - okşayarak
aching - ağrıyan
feeling - duygu
feels - hissediyor
falls - düşme
close - kapat
haired - saçlı
waiting - bekleme
caressing - sevecen
lifeless - cansız
mother - anne
please - lütfen
tightens - sıkılaştırır
ribbon - kurdele
patriots - vatanseverleri
something - bir şey
inside - içeride
laugh - gülmek
piece - parça
mirror - ayna
sharing - paylaşım
prayer - namaz
slaughtered - katlettiler
everything - her şey
pushing - itme
radio - radyo
round - yuvarlak
saturday - cumartesi

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