OK (ahh)

Yeah (ahh)

Oh, we about to get it just a lil hot and sweaty in this (oh, baby)

Ladies let's go (uhh)

Soldiers let's go (dolls)

Let me talk to y'all and just you know

Give you a little situation... listen (fellas)

Ya see this shit get hot

Everytime I come through when I step up in the spot (are you ready)

Make the place sizzle like a summertime cookout

Prowl for the best chick

Yes I'm on the lookout (let's dance)

Slow banging shortly like a belly dancer with it

Smell good, pretty skin, so gangsta with it (oh, baby)

No tricks only diamonds under my sleeve

Gimme the number

But make sure you call before you leave

I know you like me (I know you like me)

I know you do (I know you do)

That's why whenever I come around

She's all over you

I know you want it (I know you want it)

It's easy to see (it's easy to see)

And in the back of your mind

I know you should be on with me

Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?

Don't cha?

Don't cha?

Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?

Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?

Don't cha?

Don't cha?

Fight the feeling (fight the feeling)

Leave it alone (leave it alone)

'Cause if it ain't love

whenever - her ne zaman
wanna - istiyorum
vanquish - yenmek
until - a kadar
under - altında
summertime - yaz
strip - şerit
straight - düz
watch - izlemek
something - bir şey
soldiers - Askerler
smell - koku
think - düşünmek
sleeve - kol
sizzle - cızırtı
situation - durum
should - meli
seems - görünüyor
really - gerçekten mi
record - kayıt
ready - hazır
prowl - kolaçan etmek
pretty - güzel
playa - playa
place - yer
number - numara
menage - ev halkı
maybe - olabilir
shortly - kısaca
dolls - oyuncak bebekler
crazy - çılgın
tryna - çalıştığını
cookout - piknik
chanel - chanel
dancer - dansçı
broad - geniş
brand - marka
break - kırılma
reason - neden
belly - göbek
wagon - yük vagonu
lingerie - kadın iç çamaşırı
around - etrafında
about - hakkında
black - siyah
gonna - olacak
listen - dinlemek
could - could
nigga - zenci
freak - anormal
through - vasitasiyla
resist - direnmek
diamonds - elmaslar
little - küçük
alone - yalnız
balls - taşaklar
every - proszę uważać
cause - sebeb olmak
dance - dans
chick - civciv
banging - beceriyor
right - Sağ
girlfriend - kız arkadaşı
feeling - duygu
before - önce
understand - anlama
fight - kavga
enough - yeterli
friendly - arkadaş canlısı
everytime - her zaman
fellas - dostlar
almighty - yüce
friend - arkadaş
share - pay
gangsta - gangsta
lookout - bak
gimme - ver
happy - mutlu
ladies - kadınlar
probably - muhtemelen
leave - ayrılmak
sweaty - terli
looking - seyir
lifetime - ömür
secret - gizli
possibly - belki
loves - sever
tricks - püf nokta
magnum - büyük şişe

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