Eros and Thanatos are brances on the same old tree

Rooted in the soil of shadow and light

If God was seperated from the dark twin, the Devil

Could he ever know the soul of mankind?

We want a new god called Abraxas!

Enter the Pleroma and see that nothingless is all

And you must destroy a world to be born

Alpha and Omega are the beginning and the end

United in the shape of Abraxas

world - Dünya
words - kelimeler
solar - güneş
slough - deri değiştirmek
sinner - günahkâr
thanatos - thanatos
shape - şekil
seperated - Ayrılmış
saint - aziz
shadow - gölge
alpha - alfa
dying - ölen
fullness - dolgunluk
called - denilen
sermon - vaaz
darkness - karanlık
abraxas - abraxas
solved - çözülmüş
light - ışık
another - bir diğeri
devil - şeytan
winter - kış
could - could
united - birleşmiş
circle - daire
omega - omega
baptized - vaftiz
destroy - yıkmak
beginning - başlangıç
empty - Boş
rooted - köklü
flower - çiçek
enter - girmek
riddle - bilmece
grave - mezar
fighting - kavga
mankind - insanlık
gospel - i̇ncil

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